The Plan
Executive Summary
Persistent flooding and water quality concerns have led the governmental entities within the Indian Creek watershed to embrace a cooperative, multi-jurisdictional planning approach. The resulting Indian Creek Watershed Management Plan (Plan) details strategies and recommendations for watershed and stormwater management, water quality protection, and stormwater permit compliance. It includes specific implementation strategies and milestones for these recommendations for local governments as well as regional and state agencies.
The Indian Creek Watershed Management Authority (ICWMA) utilized a collaborative, adaptive management approach for the Plan, which incorporates and links knowledge and credible science with the experience and values of stakeholders for more effective decision-making. The Indian Creek Watershed Management Plan was completed by the ICWMA Board of Directors and planning staff from the East Central Iowa Council of Governments, with a great deal of input from a Technical Advisory Team (Tech Team), a Community Advisory Team, and technical consulting firms/institutions.